Bob Geldof: A Visionary Leader's Impact through Band Aid and Live Aid
Influential Perspectives:
The Heartbeat of Creativity and Innovation
Unleashing Authentic Creative Bravery: The Fight Against Unoriginality
Creative Revolutions That Moved Britain Forward
Provocative Actions That Advance Careers talk At Chicago Booth School of Business
Creativity Without Frontiers at the Royal College of Art
Creativity Without Frontiers: A Conversation with Dean Kate Newell and Roy Sharples at SCAD
Creativity Without Frontiers Talk at the Glasgow School of Art: Blending Art and Science for Innovation
Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Spirit: A Manifesto for Innovation and Change
Creative Excellence Model: A Blueprint for Unleashing Creative Leadership
The Poles of Innovation: Navigating the Balance Between Radical and Incremental Advancements
Unleashing Creativity Without Frontiers
Iwan Gronow's Manifesto for Music-Making: A Symphony of Imagination, Orchestration, and DIY Spirit
Ben Thornley's Manifesto for Filmmaking
Mat Bancroft's Manifesto for Pop Culture Curation & Art Direction: The Art and Science of Pop Culture Curation & Art Direction
Dave Cronen's Manifesto for Artist Management: The Art and Science of Nurturing Talent
Anita Kunz's Manifesto for Art: The Art and Science of Illustration
Utopian Futures: Envisioning Future Societies
Jon Baird's Manifesto: A Blueprint for Filmmaking Excellence
A Manifesto for Unleashing Your Creative Bravery